Archive for the 'Chinook' Category

time for an update

I’ve been cleaning the door hardware. It had all been painted numerous times but with some guidance from This Old House I was able to restore it as best as I could. Below are the before and after face plates from one of the bedroom doors.

The play room is almost done. Jerry put in the window and did the trimming all around. Peggy will finish the trim painting and it will be ready for the carpet. I’m still waiting for her choice of light so I can install it. Here are the two most recent pics for comparison.

The bathroom tile floor turned out quite nice. Need to buy a toilet and a vanity.

The dining room was painted and the floor cleaned and varathaned. It will get a new light but that’s down the road. Again, before and after pics.

The front room area as it is now, with Nikolai enjoying one of his favorite pastimes.

time for some blather

Went riding this morning; didn’t want to leave the house. Thanks, Aubri, for helping get my butt out the door!

I’m considering doing the Newport marathon again next year. It’s only 26.2 miles, no problem! I would plan to walk hence putting no pressure on myself. yeah, right! We’ll see how life goes and make a decision later.

I continue to battle motivation to work out. I have the most energy in the morning and if I want to accomplish anything at Chinook, morning is the time to do it. Work outs have slipped by the wayside since I’ve been at Chinook at 6:00 a.m. some days.

Speaking of Chinook…. Doing lots of painting. Time line is a mid-August move in. Jerry will be starting his 5 days a week practices and his time will be at a premium. Chinook work will basically be on hold until November.

Time for somewhat recent pics.

Playroom has been painted a soft blue. Jerry needs to add the window.

This is the current view from the back door. It used to be a toilet (yes, right inside the door) with a wall. It was originally a doorway and we have made it one once again.

Peggy’s room is all painted and awaiting the electrician to come finish installing various things. The wood floor is getting refinished. That’s Jerry’s focus right now.

Downstairs bathroom is a lilac color; tub/shower is installed. Peggy’s picking out tiles to lay down on the floor. We’ll get a cabinet/sink then the plumber can come in and do the finish work. There’s a door to be painted and rehung for the closing.

different direction

I have gone to the Chinook house the last two days to work. Yesterday I spent over eight hours cleaning grime and dust in the kitchen. The cabinet tops were greasy grimy, ick! But I got them clean; also got the custom cabinets all cleaned out. I had not done anything with them in the past. So, the kitchen is ready to move into.

Today I mopped the kitchen floor, hung a “curtain” in the doorway, then did the vacuuming of the newly plastered rooms. Those rooms are now ready to be primed. Next I washed all of Peggy’s kitchen stuff that I had brought over. It had been packed away for 2.5 years and needed a good cleaning.

After five hours I called it quits. Peggy and kids were there later and she put all the kitchen stuff away; I had left it on the counters thinking I should not put it away in the “wrong” place.

With the work at Chinook, I have wanted to get over there early when I have the most energy. I was hard at it by 7:30 both days. This has seriously hindered my workouts. I’ve done my pilates and weight lifting but that’s been all. I need to change my focus a bit.

Tomorrow I intend to walk or bike in the morning before going to Chinook. That’s the only way I know I’ll do something for the day. Actually I need to get groceries and an oil change so I may not make it over there until late, if at all.


Jerry and I stopped by Chinook after church today to pick up some rope. He was going to get the tub/shower unit and needed rope to secure it in the truck.

As we made the turn onto Chinook Street we saw a friend on the sidewalk talking with a young man. Well, young man is her son, and we’ve known them since Alex was in grade school so 20 years. Alex lives on Chinook and he’s been remodeling his place. He facetiously asked if we wanted a utility sink. Yes we do!!!! So, a sink for the laundry room at no cost just some time to clean it up.

finally legal

After much bureaucratic red tape and BS, our reconstruction/remodel plans have been approved and a building permit was issued this week.  Fortunately we were not fined, though we were threatened ($5,000/day), for work done prior to  getting the permit.  The work has been inspected, and we can now “button up” the house.

sheet rock

Headed over to Chinook this morning. Where was the warm weather predicted?!? The furnace is still not working, and I was hoping the sun would lend some heat. Alas, clouds and rain.

Anyway! Time for some updated pics. The best ones are of Peggy’s bedroom. The before pics are at this post. The walls and ceiling were completely removed.  Now for today.
Sheet rock done and awaiting plaster; Jerry will start slinging it today. He also patched the kitchen ceiling so it’s ready for plaster as well.

The view in the front room certainly looks like a construction zone! Tools and insulation abound.

Sunday Gabriel was running down the street and his face had a close encounter with the sidewalk. It has healed quite a bit but I only just got the picture as the camera has been at Chinook.